
Urgent Donation Items Needed: *Fall/Winter girl clothing - Newborn to 12months *Diapers - sizes 4, 5, & 6 *Pull-ups - ALL SIZES. *Wipes *Diaper rash cream​
The Boutique provides parents with baby clothes, diapers, wipes, cribs, household goods, and more FREE OF CHARGE by using the 'baby-bucks' earned through our "Earn While You Learn" education program and "Birth of a Family" education program.
Do you have questions about the Boutique?
Email us at hlpandic@pregnancyandsupport.org or call us at 989-305-6308.

Donate to our Boutique
Make an Immediate Difference for Local Families in Need
Our Boutique depends on new and gently used donations that directly help local families in need through Harbor Lights Pregnancy and Information Center. We take a number of items including baby and toddler clothes, accessories, formulas and baby food, dry goods, blankets, diapers, wipes, maternity clothes, and all gear EXCEPT recalled items and those listed below under "Items we cannot accept". All donated baby and toddler items go into our Baby Boutique to assist clients and community partners.
​If you have questions about how, where, or when to donate, please call 989-305-6308.
A note regarding clothing donations: We have limited storage space for seasonal articl
Bag-A-Buck Event
Every few months we have a “Bag A Buck Event” for our families and it is open to the public.
A client can purchase for one bag of clothes for 1 Baby-buck, the public's cost is $1.00 per bag.
If we still have more articles of clothing than we need, we will offer excess to other Pregnancy
Centers or donate clothing to other charitable organizations.
New items we can accept...
Gender Neutral Baby Blankets
Diapers (all sizes)
Baby Wipes & Gently Used Diaper Bags
New Baby Bottles, Cups, Bowls, Spoons
New Baby Clothes & Gently Used
Baby Wash, Shampoo, Lotion
Baby Powder, Diaper Rash Cream
New Crib, Mattress, Sheets
New Bassinet
New Car Seats
Changing Table
Bouncer, Swing
High Chairs, Strollers, Pac’n’Plays
Items we cannot accept...
Used items we accept
*Must be clean, gently used!
Used Washcloths & Burp Cloths
Used Socks
Used Diaper Pails
Used Pack n Plays
Special donation items accepted...
Bible story books for young children
​Crib and Car Seat Donation Laws​
By law: Crib donations require the tracking label or registration form to be attached to the crib stating that it was manufactured after June 28, 2011.
​By law: Car Seat donations require the manufacturer’s name, date, model number and expiration date. You must be able to state the history of the car seat, that the car seat was never in a crash, all parts are present and in good working order, there are no recalls or recalls have been addressed, that the seat has not expired and there is enough time left to last the next child until they need a new one. ***Car seat donations must meet federal criteria and donor must know make, model, expiration date, and date of manufacturer. Most car seats 10+ yrs old do not meet current criteria.
Our urgent needs.... 11/06/24
​Diapers - Sizes 4, 5, 6
Pull-ups, ALL SIZES
Diaper Rash Cream
Items that are Worn, Ripped or Dirty
Used Stuffed Animals
Used Big Toys
Used Mattresses of any kind
For all our Clients.
If you are in need of baby formula we have been gifted with several different brands and kinds. Please remember this when you visit. The formula and food is free to our clients.