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Baby Sleeping

Our Services and Programs

We provide the following services free of charge. If you are in need of transportation, please contact our office 48 hours before your appointment and we will arrange for Iosco Transit to transport you to and from our center.

Family Unwrapping


The Boutique provides parents with clothes, baby clothes, diapers, wipes, cribs, household goods, and more FREE OF CHARGE by using the 'baby-bucks' earned through our "Earn While You Learn" program.

Birth of a Family

A 6 to 8 week in-person course with a facilitator, mentors, family coaches, and discussion guides for 

EVERYONEregardless of age or status. This program initiatives heart level changes, reaches root causes, positively impacts family cycles, decreases generational poverty, and reduces adverse childhood events.

Additional Services

Pregnancy Tests

We provide hospital quality pregnancy test for you to self-test under the guidance of a staff member to assure that the test is done properly. Results are documented for you to share with your obstetrician.

Pregnancy Information

Our mentoring staff is qualified to educate you on all aspects of Pregnancy and help you to make an informed decision about your choice to parent or to allow your baby to be adopted by parents of your choosing.

Adoption Information

The Pregnancy Center works with  three reputable Adoption Agencies to help you choose your baby’s parents and what type of adoption plan you want for your baby and yourself.

Pregnancy Tests

Parenting Information

Our Mentors are trained to help you meet the challenges of parenting. You will  have one-on-one sessions with a mentor in a confidential, loving approach as you acquire effective tools to raise your child.

Pregnancy Tests

Sexual Integrity Program

You will be able to explore the three aspects  of sexual integrity as you consider your future: physical health, emotional health, and relational health.

Pregnancy Tests

Medical Referrals

The staff at our Pregnancy Center network with all medical and community organizations in our service area to meet your needs.

Social Service Referrals

The staff at our Pregnancy Center network with all medical and community organizations in our service area to meet your needs.

Emotional Support

Our goal at the Center is to provide the care that you need without condemnation. We are not concerned with your past. We are concerned about your future and how we can help you.

Spiritual Support

You will be offered a Bible and prayer at your first mentoring session. It is your choice to decide when you want either. Our staff will keep you in prayer throughout the week.

Abortion Minded and

Post-Abortive Healing

For the abortion minded woman, we offer alternatives and an ultrasound to determine the gestational age of your baby to enable you to make an informed decision. We can help! Post abortion healing covers grief, regret and forgiveness from our Lord. A recent SIRA study stated that 44% of their survey respondents regretted their abortions due to physical and psychological effects that continued for 10 or more years.

Abuse Healing Program

We will engage you in a journey home from the ruins of sexual abuse through our Treasure in the Ashes program. No matter how gut wrenching your fight, Jesus our gentle Healer and our mentors will help you be victorious!

Empty Arms Grief Support

The death of your baby whether in utero or in infancy is heartbreaking. We will provide grief support for you and your family members for 13 months by means of a “listening ear”, walking alongside you, cards, phone calls and a memorial service.

Fatherhood Program

A program for just  you, Dad, to engage with our male mentor to help establish and maintain healthy relationships with your children and spouse or mother of your child.

Earn While You Learn

This program allows you to earn Baby Bucks through education enabling you to purchase needed items in our Boutique for your baby/child, yourself and home.

Client Advocacy

Should you need assistance with the Reunification Process with Family Court, letters/calls to DHHS, job placement through Michigan Works we will help you to meet the criteria needed.

Pre & Postnatal Education

All our mentors are proficient in Prenatal and Post-natal education. We have several Birth Educators on staff and Lactation Consultants to help you navigate your health and your baby’s health.

Life Skills Education

We have numerous life skills education available to you. Healthy Relationships, Nutrition, How to be Debt Free, Marriage Enrichment Courses,  Bible Studies and Scholarships for continuing education.


If you require an ultrasound, arrangements can be made to have one done at our “sister” pregnancy center and clinic in West Branch.


The education provided is not intended to diagnose any condition or pregnancy and should not take the place of your medical practitioner. We provide credible health education; however, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional, medical, legal or counseling advice. HLPIC does not perform or refer for abortions. 

Hours of Operation

Wednesday       10:00am-4:00pm


Thursday          10:00am-7:00pm

Contact Information

310 Newman Street​

East Tawas, MI 48730



Harbor Lights Pregnancy and Information Center is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and is tax-deductible in the United States. EIN# 272783569

© 2023 Harbor Lights Pregnancy and Information Center   I   Designed by Arbel Creations, LLC

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