Summertime is such a busy hectic and enjoyable time: bar-b-ques, family and friend gatherings, numerous activities. At the Center we certainly have accomplished many assignments this Summer. Our two Summer Fundraising Events: Neiman's Hot Dog Sale and our Quarter Auction Event netted $1,010.10 for our educational needs. Thank you to everyone who came out to support us at these events. Now with the passing of the lazy days of Summer comes the glorious colors of Autumn. Our Creator puts on a beautiful display for us to enjoy! School begins, schedules are set again. The cadence of more ordered days begins. I would encourage you to enjoy a leisurely walk in the woods or along one of our piers, drink some cider and eat a donut. Contemplate the beauty of God's creation before Winter snows bury the Autumn leaves.
At the Center we are busy solidifying plans for our Annual Fundraising Banquet and Silent Auction. All of our tables have been sponsored. Thank you Sponsors! The event takes place on Thursday, October 5th at Sacred Heart Family Center, Oscoda. Doors open at 5 pm for hors d'oeuvres and to peruse our Silent Auction Items. Dinner is at 6 pm. If you would like to attend as our guest, please RSVP at 989.305.6308. First come, first served. Our Guest Speaker for the night is Michael Spencer, author of the book, Humanly Speaking. To learn more about Michael go to
We are still accepting and need donations for our Silent Auction. All items, gift baskets or gift cards/certificates are appreciated.... And in this blog we are showcasing our first Silent Auction item! A handcrafted Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer by Elwin Knepp! It has a Sitka spruce top, an ebony fretboard and a black walnut frame. It is beautiful!
Over the next few weeks I will try post a list or mention items donated for the Silent Auction to help prepare possible bidders and to show our appreciation to the donors.
Please be aware that your Pastor has received an invitation to a Luncheon on Wednesday, March 4th. Michael Spencer will speak directly to Pastors. He will be presenting a compelling case for the humanity and dignity of the Unborn. Michael has written the book, Humanly Speaking. It is an incisive handbook to bring clarity to the role of the Church in an abortion-supportive culture. Please encourage your Pastor to attend. The luncheon will be held at the Tawas Methodist Church on M-55 at 12 noon. Have your Pastor RSVP at 989.305.6308.
Technically, blogs are to be short. My goal is to blog more often in short missives but, to date, I haven't been able to do it as often due to time constraints. With the Lord's help, I will improve. Continue to hang with me until I meet this goal!